Thursday, October 16, 2008

melamine and the world

Food for thought:

You may have already heard of the uproar caused by some unscrupulous people in China, adding melamine into their milk for a profit.

While most of it has been rather scientific, how this incident has been causing a ripple effect around the world (mostly Asia) is a good example of why it's a bad thing having a single entity monopolising a particular corner of the consumer market. Hence it is over-rated for multi-national conglomerates and racists alike, to be stamping out their "competition". Because as it is apparent enough, the larger a system, the more moving parts is contains, the higher its chances for failure.

The fail-safe of the world is in its diversity. Having multiple sources of the milk produce has fortunately given the world some space for error. Although these other dairy farms are not sufficient to balance up the shortage of milk in the market due to the China dairy products being taken off the shelf, they certainly have had a hand in cushioning the impact of the scandalous news.

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